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    Personal Training

    Personal Training

    If all else has failed, help is here

    My approach to your training and nutrition is about empowering you to achieve your goals. You might have tried many other ways: gym, classes, dieting, and other personal trainers. Maybe these things worked for a while. But then life happened, and it all went by the wayside; or maybe they didn’t work at all. I will talk to you in depth about where you want to be. We’ll work together to set realistic goals for you each week, monitoring changes so we can record and celebrate your achievements and make adjustments as and where necessary. My way will work for you. How do I know? Because we will work in a way that fits your lifestyle and the everyday demands you face, such as limited time, no child care, no gym membership, maybe even a dislike of gyms or lack of motivation. Help IS here.

    Virtual Training Assistant (VTS)

    This is your online option for personal training and nutrition, where you can check in from anywhere in the world. This is an ideal way to receive individualised coaching that will help you to achieve realistic goals in manageable steps. Through online consultation you will be provided with a home or gym exercise programme to follow plus weekly advice on what to do next that takes into account your body’s response. You’ll upload your weight, measurements and photo, as well as any questions you have along the way. I will coach you to the successful achievement of your goals. You’ll also have access to 400 delicious and nutritious recipes, and useful guides and a log to record your weekly activity.  As this is a lifestyle approach you will also be given advice on what to do with regards to holidays and events, etc. during the 12 week period. VTS is £300 for 12 weeks expert guidance, accountability and encouragement.

    Nat Calpin Personal Training


    Whether you’re male or female, if you feel unfit, lacking in confidence are overweight or wish to recover from a period of inactivity, personal training can help you. It’s all about motivation, putting yourself in control to believe you can work towards and achieve your goals. Motivation may be something you struggle with; personal training can help you with this. Because I’m with you, deciding together what is achievable for you within the lifestyle you lead, you will achieve far more. And the more you achieve, the more you’ll realise you can achieve. It’s about my dedicated support to connect you with your own motivation as well as the practical advice on what you need to do. The benefits of personal training with me include having accountability, a personalised nutrition and exercise program to suit your lifestyle, body type, ability level and goals plus help to get into the mindset and approach that will allow you to transform.


    We’ll have a consultation after I welcome you at my private gym. I’ll listen to where you’d like to be and understand what in your life you feel may be hampering you to reach your goals. I understand that you may feel that life gets in the way of you being able to look after your health and wellbeing. We’ll work together to set down practical activities and dietary adjustments that will make a real difference. We may take some baseline readings, then get on with the training itself. Time for action!

    During your further appointments you will receive ongoing advice after discussing your needs, goals and progress. I will give you guidance and a step-by-step plan on how to apply new routines into your daily life, and what to do in between appointments.

    Whether it’s advice or just a kick up the backside you need, your personalised session will be just that, depending on how you are feeling and what areas you need support in.


    “Hopes can become reality…with action.”
    “Don’t live in the past…focus on the future instead.”
    “Believe in yourself.”
    “Don’t allow limiting beliefs to determine your results.”
    “Instead take responsibility for your life.”

    Please contact me for a consultation and cost for personal training.

    Nat calpin fitness


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